Environment Day Quiz 2023

environment day

Environment Day Is celeberated on 5th June Every ye wear.

Every Educational institution and Environment Caring Person is trying to spread awareness about it.So does we do.

Here are Questions for Environment Day Quiz Which Could Help you to spread awareness all around.

Let us Begin :

Q1.When was Environment Day First Celeberated?

A : 1974

Q2.What was slogan of First Environment Day?

A: ‘Only One Earth’.

Q3.What is the theme of 2023 Environment Day?

A: ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’.

Q4.In which country Environment Day 2023 will be constituted ?


Q5.Which gas is mainly responsible for world temperature rise?

A: CO2 /Carbon Dioxide.

Q6.Which layer around us protects us from Direct Sunlight Harmful Rays?

A:Ozone Layer.

Q7.What are harmful rays coming from sun usually called ?

A:UV rays /Ultraviolet Rays

Q8.2-4D is a type of what?


Q9.What is the name of revolt ,in which people madd themselves stick around tress to save deforestation?

A:Chipko Movement.

Q10.Harmful gases from atmosphere combine with rain to form what?

A:Acid Rain.

Q11.Gradual Rise of Earth Temperature due to gases is called as

A:Global Warming

Q12.In 4r’s  what is name of each R?

A:R1- Refuse ;R2 : Reduce ;R3 : Recycle ;R4 : Reuse.

Q13.Full form of DDT is?


Q14.Which element is used to Disinfect Water?


Q15.How many layers of Atmosphere are there?


Q16.Earth Day is celeberated on ?

A: 22ND April

Q17.How much of Earth Surface is covered with forests?


Q18.In which book Endangered Species reocrd is kept?

A:Red Data book

Q19.How much water on earth is drinkable?

A:Less than .01 %

Q20.Acid rain is mainly Caused by which gas?

A: Sulphur Dioxide

So these were 20 questions which could help you take quiz on Environment Day 2023.

If you have any other question Do post on comments.

Thank You

Environment Day Quiz 2023

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