Winter Holidays In Punjab to be Extended

extension of winter holidays punjab

Extension in Winter Holidays Punjab

extension of winter holidays punjab

Lecturer Union has put forward a request in front of Punjab Govt. Regarding the extension of Winter holidays for atleast till 15th January 2024 due to very dense fog and cold winter conditions.They have asked to extend the holidays for this reason and also said that other states like Haryana,UP and Delhi has holidays uptill 15th January.

Reasons stated also include that in Punjab the holidays are only for one week which is not a much long time period beacuse the weather condtitons are almost same for a week.Also the weather department has told about more bad conditons up ahead for coming atleast two weeks.


The visibilty is affected due to dense fog and many accidents are happening in the state.Union has also worried about the health and life of teachers and students which are gooing to travel in upcoming days.

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Winter Holidays In Punjab to be Extended

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