Will there be Holiday on 22nd January in Punjab

Holiday In punjab on 22nd January

Half-Day Cheer in Punjab for Ayodhya’s Big Day!

Hey everyone, exciting news for Punjab on 22nd January! While there’s no official state holiday declared, there’s a festive buzz in the air due to the grand inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Central Government offices in Punjab will have a half-day holiday to mark the special occasion. So, if you work for a central government agency, you can look forward to an afternoon off!
  • Public Sector Banks and Financial Institutions are also likely to follow suit with a half-day closure. Best to check with your specific bank for confirmation though.
  • No official holiday for schools and colleges: While educational institutions won’t be officially closed, some might organize special events or celebrations. It’s best to check with your child’s school for their specific plans.

Why the buzz?

Even though there’s no full-fledged holiday, the historic event in Ayodhya holds deep significance for many people in Punjab. You can expect an atmosphere of joy and celebration throughout the state, with prayers, gatherings, and maybe even some festive sweets!


  • While public celebrations are likely, maintain safety and keep COVID-19 precautions in mind.
  • Respect different viewpoints and keep the spirit of brotherhood alive.

So, while it’s not a state-wide holiday, there’s definitely a reason to smile on 22nd January in Punjab. Let’s join hands and celebrate this momentous occasion with love and respect!Holiday In punjab on 22nd January

Will there be Holiday on 22nd January in Punjab

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