Winter Holidays in Punjab 2023


Winter Holidays in Punjab 2023


There has been many holidays in year 2023 ,but the year end holidays are most awaited all the year.Winter Holidays are usually in the end week 0f the year in the month of december.The holidays usually start from 24 December 2023 till 3st December 2023.The winter holidays can also be started earlier in some private schools depending upon school administrations.

The official notification is not out but it will be out soon.


The winter holidays are around a  week long but can also be extended .

The winter holidays 2023 were extended this year due to severe cold and bad foggy weather  till 14 January 2023.

Hope this time the weather stays good and we are able to go schools on 1st of Jaunary,2024 .

There is also a holiday for other public institutions on 28th December 2023 owing to Sahibzadas Martyer Dom.

Frequently aksed Questions : 

When will winter holidays start in punjab ??

24th December ,sunday will be first holiday.

When will winter holidays end ??

31st december 2023,Sunday

How long are winter holidays ?

1 week



Winter Holidays in Punjab 2023

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